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Please contact the office at (301) 299-0225 if you are interested in childcare or elementary children's programming. Pre-registration is required.

Rosh Hashana

    Erev Rosh Hashana, Friday, September 15

Intergenerational Family Outdoor Service: 5:30 pm
In our tent on the parking lot, Rabbi Weinblatt and Cantor Kapell will lead an intergenerational, interactive, dynamic service for families with children of all ages. Then join us for the events below.
Apples and Honey with Candle Lighting: 6:15 pm
Following the family service and preceding Ma’ariv, join with family and friends to schmooze and to welcome in a sweet New Year!
Day 1 of Rosh Hashana, Saturday, September 16
Early Childhood Programming 9:00 - 9:45 am: ages 15 mos to 4 years
This preschool-age family-friendly service will be held in the Weinberg Assembly Area and will be led by Cantor Kapell and our Shaliach, Ido Naaman.

Meet Visiting Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum!
Rabbi Rosenbaum will be joining us from Charleston, South Carolina, and will be in residence approximately one weekend per month for the next 10 months. He is a writer, teacher, and father of three, who enjoys working with youth.


Childcare 9:45 am – Conclusion of Services
Immediately following the Early Childhood program, children who are pre-registered for childcare may be checked in. Snack will be provided during childcare. Information about registration and fees can be found on the registration form here. Parents should go into the Berman Sanctuary for the Rabbi’s sermon and the conclusion of Services.
Family Service 10:00 - 11:15 am: Elementary Grades K to 6
This family-friendly outdoor service, led by Visiting Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum, Religious School Director Moshe Ben-Lev, and Shaliach Ido Naaman, will provide a meaningful experience for families, with opportunities for all ages to participate. Families with children in K to 6th grade are encouraged to attend. At the conclusion, parents should go to the Berman Sanctuary to stay for the conclusion of the service and to hear the rabbi’s sermon.
Snack & Children’s Program 11:15 am - Conclusion of Service
Children in K to 6th grade, who are pre-registered, are invited downstairs for a snack and program including a magician or Mad Science, based on grade level. Following programming, there will be activities for children until the conclusion of services. Pre-registration is required. Information about registration and fees can be found on the registration form here.
Day 2 of Rosh Hashana, Sunday, September 17
Child-led Child Service: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Elementary Grades K to 6
Children may join us in the tent for a fun, child-led service, supervised by Religious School Director Moshe Ben-Lev.

Yom Kippur

Erev Yom Kippur, Sunday, September 24
Kol Nidre Teen Scene: 7:00 pm
Teens in grades 7 through 10 are invited to join us in the Sudhalter Library for an interactive discussion with Moshe Ben-Lev and Ido Naaman about a contemporary issue confronting teens today. Teens will rejoin the service at the conclusion of Teen Scene. Preregistration is strongly encouraged for what is always a thought- provoking discussion of issues on the minds of our teens.
Yom Kippur, Monday, September 25
Early Childhood Programming 9:00 - 9:45 am: ages 15 mos to 4 years
This preschool-age family-friendly service will be held in the Weinberg Assembly Area and will be led by               Cantor Kapell and our Shaliach, Ido Naaman.
Childcare 9:45 am – Conclusion of Services
Immediately following the Early Childhood program, children who are pre-registered for childcare may be checked in. Snack will be provided during childcare. Information about registration and fees can be found on the registration form here. Parents should go into the Berman Sanctuary for the Rabbi’s sermon and the conclusion of Services.
Family Service 10:00 - 11:15 am: Elementary Grades K to 6
This family-friendly outdoor service, led by Visiting Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum, Religious School Director Moshe Ben-Lev, and Shaliach Ido Naaman, will provide a meaningful experience for families, with opportunities for all ages to participate. Families with children in K to 6th grade are encouraged to attend. At the conclusion, parents should go to the Berman Sanctuary to stay for the conclusion of the service and to hear the rabbi’s sermon.
Snack & Children’s Program 11:15 am - Conclusion of Service
Children in K to 6th grade, who are pre-registered, are invited downstairs for a snack and program including a magician or Mad Science, based on grade level. Following programming, there will be activities for children until the conclusion of services. Pre-registration is required. Information about registration and fees can be found on the registration form here.
Ne’ilah: 6:30 pm
This service marks the dramatic conclusion of Yom Kippur and culminates the “Ten Days of Awe.” Come with your whole family! Kids will enter the Berman Sanctuary with glow sticks at the end of services, which will conclude with the blowing of the shofar. Break-the-fast with family and fellow congregants immediately following services.


Friday, September 29
6:30 pm Erev Sukkot Family Service
7:30 pm Welcome New Member Shabbat Dinner:
All are invited to join in this festive Shabbat dinner, followed by dessert in the Sukkah. Members who have joined January 2023 and later are free of charge. Visit our website to register (Early Bird: $25/adult & $15/child; $30/adult & $20/child after September 25th)
Saturday, September 30
11:15 am Service for Families with Young Children
led by special guest Lisa Baydush, followed by Kiddush Lunch & Sundaes in the Cohen Family Sukkah for all.
Tuesday, October 3 & Thursday, October 5
4:30 – 5:30 pm "Pop-Up Sukkah"
Stop by Potomac Village (outside of Starbucks) to shake the lulav and etrog with Cantor Kapell & Rabbi Weinblatt and have a snack in our “pop-up” sukkah.

Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah

Saturday, October 7
6:30 pm Festive Family Simchat Torah Celebration
with singing, dancing and candy treats for the kids in the Berman Sanctuary and Tent.
Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785