Helping Others
Helping Others
Helping others in our community is a hallmark of our congregation. We look for opportunities for meaningful engagement with members of our community in need. Please let us know if you have a passion for an organization or project that we can support!
Caring Community
Compassionate Volunteers from the B’nai Tzedek Family. We are a network of volunteers who come together to support our members in times of need, whether it be an acute crisis, joyous occasion, or a need for ongoing support. It is our goal for the Caring Community to become a place congregants feel comfortable turning to when a helping hand is needed. Please consider joining our network of caring by:
• Providing transportation to services or other synagogue activities,
• Paying a visit to a homebound congregant,
• Making a phone call to someone who needs to hear a supportive voice,
• Dropping off a meal.
All of these opportunities are on an “as needed basis.” No prior experience is necessary, just an open heart and a willingness to lend a hand! To get involved, please contact Caring Community Chair Fabiana Offit.
Inclusion Committee
The mission of the Inclusion Committee is to ensure that ALL congregants have the fullest opportunity to participate in the educational, social, spiritual and recreational activities of the synagogue, to encourage an environment accepting of individual differences, and to provide support to families with special needs and other challenges. The committee works closely with the clergy, religious school, ECC and b'nai mitzvah program to promote inclusion, coordinate awareness activities and engage resources to continue to provide accommodations for students and training for staff. Please contact Shari Abramson, Inclusion Committee Chair, to discuss ways you can help the committee or how the committee can assist you and your family.
Social Action Committee
The mission of our Social Action Committee is to give back to our local Montgomery County community through fun and social volunteer activities. We are putting into action the Jewish concepts of tzedakah, tikkum olam and mitzvot. For example, we will take up collections of a variety of items and gifts for donation, work to reduce the environmental impact of our synagogue, and prepare and serve meals to individuals and families in need. Some of the organizations we work with include the Children’s Inn at NIH, Hearts and Homes, Rebuilding Together Montgomery County and the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. We seek input from all members of our congregation to accomplish these goals. We encourage participation from members of all ages. Please contact Carol Urbach Herson, Social Action Chair, to volunteer and join the fun.
Sat, March 8 2025
8 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
Parshat Zachor |
Shabbat Morning Service : 9:30am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 9 Purim Carnival Sunday, Mar 9 9:30am |
Mar 10 Weekly Halakah Study with Rabbi Bayar Monday, Mar 10 7:30pm |
Mar 13 Torah Study with Rabbi Bayar Thursday, Mar 13 9:30am |
Mar 13 Purim Dinner & Celebration Thursday, Mar 13 5:00pm |
Mar 15 Bat Mitzvah of Liza Cutler Shabbat, Mar 15 9:30am |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Tetzaveh
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, Mar 8, 5:51pm |
Parshat Zachor
Shabbat, Mar 8 |
Mazel Tov Us!
Supporting B'nai Tzedek
B'nai Tzedek provides a vast array of programs designed to enlighten, stimulate and educate. We are challenged to explore our Judaism, history, customs and our relationship with the people of Israel. Your support allows us to maintain memberships and educational opportunities for those who might not otherwise afford it.
Contact Us
Congregation B'nai Tzedek
10621 South Glen Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
(301) 299-0225
Steven Bayar, Senior Rabbi
Marshall Kapell, Cantor
Stuart Weinblatt, Rabbi Emeritus
Sylvia Mace, Executive Director
Upcoming Events
Sunday ,
MarMarch 9 , 2025
Sunday, Mar 9th 9:30a to 12:30p
Monday ,
MarMarch 10 , 2025
Monday, Mar 10th 7:30p to 9:00p
Every Monday Beginning September 9th 7:30 pm in the Gage Board Room Issues in Jewish law (halakhah). In these sessions we will explore how Jewish tradition has adapted (or not) to modern issues. Medical Ethics, Ritual Observance, Family dynamics are only some of the issues to study. Feel free to bring your own questions to the session. -
Thursday ,
MarMarch 13 , 2025
Thursday, Mar 13th 9:30a to 10:30a
Every Thursday morning 9:30 am in the Gage Board Room Join Rabbi Bayar on Thursday mornings for study of the parsha. We will be studying the parsha for the upcoming week, paying special attention to how the commentators "reworked" the text to meet their societal needs. Feel free to bring your own translation.
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