Hineini Campaign
Hineini Campaign
Engaging New & Young Families ($1,500,000)
We strive to make B’nai Tzedek a vibrant community that attracts and welcomes new families and inspires them to strengthen their engagement with Judaism. We seek to meet our families where they are in their Jewish journeys and support their personal desires and interests. To attract and retain new families, and to continue our engagement with existing members, we must build upon the services and programs for which we are known. With an investment of $1,500,000 over 10 years we plan to:
- Hire an associate rabbi
- Increase funding for dues and tuition scholarships
- Offer programs that appeal to young families
- Support the engagement of our teens
- Implement new marketing strategies
Reimagining Jewish Learning ($1,800,000)
One of the primary priorities of our Congregation is to provide high quality lifelong learning experiences to all of our members. In particular, the opportunity to engage our youngest learners requires special attention, and new resources. By teaching Jewish concepts in modern and innovative ways, we will bring Jewish heritage and wisdom to life, and help our community to flourish in their personal lives. We will equip our young learners with information and tools to build a foundation for their vibrant Jewish futures, benefiting them and Klal Yisrael. Over 10 years, we plan to:
- Support the new Director of Family and Youth Learning
- Invest in new curriculum
- Purchase and integrate new technologies and hardware
- Expand Adult Education offerings
- Expand our inclusion efforts for learners with differing abilities
Maintaining and Enhancing our Synagogue ($2,000,000)
Our shul is a beloved home for meaningful worship, celebrations, connections, personal support, and growth. Caring for our facility is expensive. Much of our equipment and structures are decades old. A comprehensive professional study has provided us with a plan to address our maintenance needs. Through your support, we plan to address the following upgrades and repairs within the next 6 years:
- Berman Sanctuary, Burtoff Social Hall and Atrium roof replacement
- Aesthetic improvements and repairs
- Plumbing and water systems upgrades
- Kitchen upgrades
- Heating and cooling systems replacement
- Fire and security systems upgrades
- Exterior surfaces maintenance
- Reducing our energy consumption
Establishing the Weinblatt Rabbinic Chair ($700,000)
Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt has dedicated 30 years to creating and nurturing the Congregation. He has positively impacted thousands of lives. His story, and our B’nai Tzedek story, is one of accomplishment and meaning. We are about to begin a new chapter in our story. As we contemplate his transitioning to Rabbi Emeritus, and a new Rabbi joining us, we have a significant responsibility to ensure we have the financial resources to provide a smooth transition. Establishing a fund in honor of Rabbi Weinblatt will ensure that we have a rabbinic team who will serve our synagogue, provide pastoral care, continue robust lifelong learning, represent us in the community, and advocate for Israel. The fund will also support the costs of the rabbinic search process.
Please click HERE to download the Hineini Campaign pledge form, print it, and mail to the Synagogue’s office.
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
Friday Evening Service : 6:30pm |
Candle Lighting : 7:10pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 29 Bat Mitzvah of Laila Yunes Shabbat, Mar 29 9:30am |
Mar 30 Jewish Theology & Philosophy Study with Rabbi Bayar Sunday, Mar 30 9:30am |
Mar 31 Weekly Halakhah Study with Rabbi Bayar Monday, Mar 31 7:30pm |
Apr 2 Israeli Film and Culture Night Wednesday, Apr 2 7:15pm |
Apr 4 GECC Annual Shabbat Dinner Friday, Apr 4 5:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 28, 7:10pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim & Parshat Hachodesh
Shabbat, Mar 29 |
Mazel Tov Us!
Supporting B'nai Tzedek
B'nai Tzedek provides a vast array of programs designed to enlighten, stimulate, and educate. We are challenged to explore our Judaism, history, customs, and our relationship with the people of Israel. Your support allows us to maintain memberships and educational opportunities for those who might not otherwise afford it.
Contact Us
Congregation B'nai Tzedek
10621 South Glen Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
(301) 299-0225
Steven Bayar, Senior Rabbi
Marshall Kapell, Cantor
Stuart Weinblatt, Rabbi Emeritus
Sylvia Mace, Executive Director
Upcoming Events
Saturday ,
MarMarch 29 , 2025
Shabbat, Mar 29th 9:30a
Sunday ,
MarMarch 30 , 2025
Sunday, Mar 30th 9:30a to 10:30a
Every Sunday Beginning September 15th 9:30 am in the Gage Board Room Introduction to Jewish Theology and Philosophy: We will explore the theological and philosophical approaches to theodicy (why does evil exist), Holocaust, Community, Messianism and Jewish history. NOTE: • Sept. 29: No Class • Oct. 20: Class will end at 10:15 am -
Monday ,
MarMarch 31 , 2025
Monday, Mar 31st 7:30p to 9:00p
Every Monday Beginning September 9th 7:30 pm in the Gage Board Room Issues in Jewish law (halakhah). In these sessions we will explore how Jewish tradition has adapted (or not) to modern issues. Medical Ethics, Ritual Observance, Family dynamics are only some of the issues to study. Feel free to bring your own questions to the session.
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