Support B'nai Tzedek
Support B'nai Tzedek
Tzedakah is a basic Jewish act of charitable giving, and making donations to various funds is a special way to say thank you, to honor someone on a special occasion, to memorialize a loved one, or just to express gratitude for health, love and friendship. For fund descriptions scroll down below the form.
We appreciate all contributions. Regardless of the amount, all contributions are important and are used carefully. Please contact the CBT Office at 301-299-0225 for more information about any of these donation opportunities.
You can also mail a check directly to:
Congregation B'nai Tzedek
10621 South Glen Road
Potomac, MD 20854
Support B'nai Tzedek
Burtoff Financial Assistance Fund
Proceeds from this fund are used to offer assistance to members who have demonstrated a financial need.
Burtoff Memorial Yahrzeit Wall
Cafritz Family Tree of Life
Cantor’s Music Fund
Clara Weinberg & Rebecca Schiff Israel Quest
Eternal Light Fund
Gemilut Chesed (Caring) Fund
Supports congregants during times of need such as providing a meal of condolence or when a congregant has had surgery.
Goldstein-Leibowitz Adult Education Fund
Established by Rick & Helane Goldstein in conjuntion with Helane's parents, Marvin & Beatrice Leibowitz, this fund helps defray the costs of adult education programs at B'nai Tzedek. The Goldstein and Leibowitz families are most interested in promoting the fall adult education forum which bears their name.
Fund for Jewish Continuity in Programming
Supplements synagogue programming that was not budgeted for in any given year.
Green Family Youth Leadership Fund
Greenzaid Early Childhood Center Fund
Supports the programming and non-budgeted needs of our ever-growing nursery school.
Mitzvah Fund
This fund helps to offset the costs of our Shabbat kiddushim, which are not sponsored by one of our families and for the preparation of meals for families who need assistance due to the illness or loss of a loved one. This is a great way to honor a loved one or to mark a special occasion.
Nat & Ethel Popick Youth & Education Fund
Used for the purchase of non-budgeted materials to enhance and improve our religious school and youth group programs, as well as provides scholarship funds for USY and Camp Ramah programs.
Prayer Book & Ritual Fund
Members may donate to the synagogue a Siddur Lev Shalem for $60, an Etz Hayim Chumash for $100 or the Art Scroll for $60. A bookplate with the donor's dedication is placed in the purchased volume.
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Used for scholarships and a variety of charitable and educational purposes, as well as for project within the synagogue and the community at the Rabbi's discretion.
Samuel Ulanow Education Fund
Used to fund the costs of alternative educational strategies for children with special needs and who demonstrate financial need; to fund studies/surveys of the population to determine the needs that exist; and to train teachers in working with this population of students.
Sign Interpretation Fund
Defrays the costs of providing interpreters for hearing-impaired members of the synagogue, thus making it possible for everyone to participate fully in our services and educational programs.
Social Action Fund
Supports a variety of social action and community projects that are organized throughout the year, including our Annual Mitzvah Day and our monthly lunches and dinners for residents of homeless shelters.
Sudhalter Family Library Fund
Provides for the purchase of books, periodicals and other materials for our library.
To purchase artwork to beautify the synagogue.
Established in memory of Yoram Gordon to further the study of modern Hebrew language and literature. This fund is used to purchase books, electronic programs and teaching aids and to fund events and programs.
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
Friday Evening Service : 6:30pm |
Candle Lighting : 7:10pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 29 Bat Mitzvah of Laila Yunes Shabbat, Mar 29 9:30am |
Mar 30 Jewish Theology & Philosophy Study with Rabbi Bayar Sunday, Mar 30 9:30am |
Mar 31 Weekly Halakhah Study with Rabbi Bayar Monday, Mar 31 7:30pm |
Apr 2 Israeli Film and Culture Night Wednesday, Apr 2 7:15pm |
Apr 4 GECC Annual Shabbat Dinner Friday, Apr 4 5:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 28, 7:10pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim & Parshat Hachodesh
Shabbat, Mar 29 |
Mazel Tov Us!
Supporting B'nai Tzedek
B'nai Tzedek provides a vast array of programs designed to enlighten, stimulate, and educate. We are challenged to explore our Judaism, history, customs, and our relationship with the people of Israel. Your support allows us to maintain memberships and educational opportunities for those who might not otherwise afford it.
Contact Us
Congregation B'nai Tzedek
10621 South Glen Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
(301) 299-0225
Steven Bayar, Senior Rabbi
Marshall Kapell, Cantor
Stuart Weinblatt, Rabbi Emeritus
Sylvia Mace, Executive Director
Upcoming Events
Saturday ,
MarMarch 29 , 2025
Shabbat, Mar 29th 9:30a
Sunday ,
MarMarch 30 , 2025
Sunday, Mar 30th 9:30a to 10:30a
Every Sunday Beginning September 15th 9:30 am in the Gage Board Room Introduction to Jewish Theology and Philosophy: We will explore the theological and philosophical approaches to theodicy (why does evil exist), Holocaust, Community, Messianism and Jewish history. NOTE: • Sept. 29: No Class • Oct. 20: Class will end at 10:15 am -
Monday ,
MarMarch 31 , 2025
Monday, Mar 31st 7:30p to 9:00p
Every Monday Beginning September 9th 7:30 pm in the Gage Board Room Issues in Jewish law (halakhah). In these sessions we will explore how Jewish tradition has adapted (or not) to modern issues. Medical Ethics, Ritual Observance, Family dynamics are only some of the issues to study. Feel free to bring your own questions to the session.
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