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Our Clergy

Rabbi Steven Bayar
Rabbi Bayar joined CBT as Interim Rabbi in July 2024. He has served as an Interim Rabbi in New Jersey and Texas, and is also the Rabbi Emeritus for Congregation B’nai Israel in Millburn, New Jersey. Rabbi Bayar holds a B.A. in Religious Studies and an M.A. in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Biblical Studies from the University of Virginia. He was ordained by the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College.

He is the co-author with Francine Hirschman of, “Teens & Trust: Building Bridges in Jewish Education,” (Torah Aura Publications), with Ilene Strauss of “Rachel & Mischa” (KarBen) and with Naomi Eisenberger, “You Shall Teach Them Diligently to Your Children” :Transmitting Jewish Values from Generation to Generation.” He was the lead author of the ZIV/Giraffe Curriculum (Righteous Person’s Foundation) and as co-founder of Ikkar Publishing has written more than 40 curricula ranging from the “Philosophy of Moshe Chaim Luzzatto” to “Teaching Jewish Theology through Science Fiction and Fantasy.” His curricula are currently being used in over 900 educational settings in the United States, South America and Israel.

He is a member of the Rabbinical Assembly and Rabbis Without Borders and has trained as a hospice chaplain, a Wise Aging facilitator and served as a trainer for #GamAni (the Jewish #MeToo Movement) for creating safe workspaces.

Cantor Marshall Kapell of B'nai Tzedek Synagogue in Potomac MarylandCantor Marshall Kapell

Cantor Marshall Kapell joined Congregation B’nai Tzedek in 2002. We’re so glad he settled here. Cantor Kapell enjoys sharing his love and knowledge of Jewish music with members of B’nai Tzedek, of all ages, and to inspiring congregants to discover their own spirituality through song and prayer. The way he injects music into our services is beautiful, whether it’s, welcoming Shabbat with his guitar, acting in and directing our Purim Spiel, chanting the solemn and serious Hineni during the high holidays or showcasing amazing young talent within our congregation.


Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt of B'nai Tzedek Synagogue in Potomac Maryland

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt, Rabbi Emeritus

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt founded Congregation B’nai Tzedek in 1988 and became the Rabbi Emeritus in 2024. He’s a spiritual leader, an educator, an outspoken supporter of Israel, a respected voice in our region on issues important to the Jewish community here and abroad, and a compassionate confidant in times of need. His open discussions during Shabbat services, annual Yom Kippur afternoon discussion, DC Lunch and Learn and NYC field trip with our confirmation kids are particularly popular. We might also mention that he’s a comedian. Life doesn’t always have to be so serious.

He is the author of, “God, Prayer and Spirituality,” a compilation of his sermons, writings and articles, “Living in the Shadow of Death:  A Rabbi Copes with Cancer,” as well as numerous articles and columns. Rabbi Weinblatt and his wife, Symcha, have four adult children and five grandchildren.

Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785